Friday, February 18, 2011

Waleed Sokkar

Stunning and sexy Waleed Sokkar is an Egyptian model and actor who was born in Cairo on 9th December 1986 to a Belgian mother and an Egyptian father from Italian & Turkish parents.
No doubt he got his gorgeous dark looks from this amazing background! 

Not only Waleed has a magnificent physique and beautiful looks but he has also had one extraordinary life and is one of the most charming and friendly guy you’ll meet.

Waleed believes that this Mediterranean blood flowing through his veins and being born to parents of two different cultures and beliefs gave him the privilege to form a unique identity for himself and understand and incorporate the best of both worlds. 
 People who know Waleed admire that about him.

Waleed’s mother was a diplomat so he travelled to and grew up in many countries around the world as a young boy. Some of the countries he visited are France, Germany, Switzerland, South Africa, India, Belgium, America, Uganda, Saudi Arabia, Hungary and many more!

Waleed speaks English, Arabic, French and Flemish all fluently and can have a Spanglish conversation as well. So you see, he’s not just a pretty face!

Waleed has been swimming since the age of 5 and won medals in crawl.
He has always been into sports and tried pretty much everything out there from team sports to individual sports, peaceful sports and contact sports.

At a very young age Waleed was always interested in movies and theatre. At school he was one of the best students in drama class and was always being favoured by teachers for being extremely outgoing and lacking shyness, which allowed him to act and perform as if no one was watching! I imagine this helps him a lot today when facing the camera during shooting.

From then onward he knew acting whether in theatre or film was something he truly loved and made him happy.
His mother always acknowledged this passion and encouraged him to pursue his dream while his father on the other hand, more traditional, wanted him to be a business man or engineer so that he could help him with his business later on.
But Waleed wasn’t interested in this at all; he was a person driven by sports and drama.

By the age of16 he was getting more popular in plays and short independent movies as well as TV commercials. Waleed was known for being always in shape and have a likeable smile on camera. This is one thing that hasn’t changed!

He then would spend the holidays with his mother abroad and the academic year with his father. This is why he travelled so much in his young life. Once he finished his bachelors in Integrated Marketing Communication from the American University of Cairo with a minor in theatre and history, he left for California to pursue acting. He didn’t know exactly where to begin but he wanted to follow his heart. But Waleed was too young and unconnected so after 4 or 5 months of casting for small parts and not lucking out so well, he decided to move back to Egypt. While in California he had been approached several times by photographers asking him if he would be interested in a shoot because they thought he had a great look and physique. At the time he was only focused on acting so he turned down the offers. Little did he know it would become a bigger passion for him later on. The saying, you never know till you try is one that holds great truth.

He worked for one year in Egypt in a multinational advertising agency called DDB as a copywriter and also did work as a commercial actor/model and voice over artist. Waleed has a very deep voice and doing radio ads is a big passion of his too.

He then moved to Belgium to do a masters in business economics.
He was approached once again by many European photographers and this time he went for it.
From the minute he looked down the lens and heard the first flash he was addicted and a new passion ran through my veins! Waleed just knew that modelling was what he wanted to do and from then on things just started snow balling.
Waleed worked with photographers from all over Europe until he met some amazing photographers who showed him appreciation and asked him to work with them in Miami. Edwin J'Lebron, Jorge Freire and Abel Cruz (3 of my fave photographers!), who today Waleed considers more like family than photographers he worked with, have shifted his modelling career to the next level.

Waleed will be moving to Miami to continue his modelling career in September 2011.

He has already been approached by several modelling agencies across Europe and in the States, but since his heart feels more at home in Miami, this is where he has decided to relocate and see where his destiny takes him.

One thing for sure, now modelling definitely comes first in his life and the support and love received from family, friends and people is what keeps him going everyday.

Watch this space people! Sexy Waleed is coming!

** Thanks to Waleed for supplying the bio info.

Vital statistics:
Height: 6'0" / 184 cm
Weight: 185 lbs. / 85 kg
Waist: 28" but wear 30" for thigh muscles
Eye colour: light Hazel
Complexion: medium
Hair colour: brown
Hair length: medium
Shirt size: Medium

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