Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Okay, so I am going to blog outside my blog criteria today but I just had to show you these.
I am not a follower or enthusiast of the "VB" brand but you got to admire Victoria Beckham! For someone with such little talent she has managed to achieve stuff that even people who are amazingly talented have yet to or even dream to achieve.

From being one fifth of the world's biggest girlband pop group to now being a cutting edge fashion designer with no prior fashion qualifications or skill. Still, brand Beckham is definitely on the rise and rise.

Her fashion collections made predominantly of dresses (a mixture of red carpet, very long and day wear, very short) centres largely on her own private fashion style. With fitted, asymmetrical and very strong and bold shoulder designs as well as drapes both at the front and back.

What I would love to know is, is she a hands on designer herself? Does she decide on fabric choice? Does she draw the designs or at least tell an artist exactly how she wants a particular design to look and they draw it or is she just the brand ambassador loaning her name to a talented fashion student in the background? Hmmm, would we ever know?

Either way, I guess Victoria herself couldn't care less of the sceptics and the haters like me, lol! Her dresses are a must have and nearly every celebrity in Hollywood owns a VB dress including the queen of style herself SJP.

Check out ther AW10 collection below.
These are my favourite!

So Victoria!!

What do you guys think?
Leave your comments below.
For more information, visit

Stay Fashion-ABLE!

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