Sunday, January 24, 2010


“Fashion, is like a science. You always want to push the limits, find something new, but it is always based on the existing. Not everyone who works in a lab wears a white jacket..." “WELCOME TO OUR LABB!”

LABB Magazine is a quarterly ‘coffee table’ glossy which has been created to provide a platform for upcoming talent. LABB is aimed at designers, photographers and artists from all backgrounds.

This glossy will feature a fabulous array of vibrant colours and fresh up-to-date fashion. It will delve deep to make the spreads come to life on the page and it will feature easy to read, minimum written editorials and outstanding fashion spreads. It is poised to become the most visually pleasing fashion bible to have ever existed!

Every issue is going to be based on a theme and as a unique way of describing the subtext of the issue, each will carry an individual issue name alongside. As a High Fashion magazine, it will break all the boundaries and challenge the norm seen in High Fashion today. It will open your eyes, free your mind and make the unthinkable become thinkable.

LABB’s unique chemistry between its tight creative team who work around the clock to deliver something extrodinary is what makes LABB different. Coming from a diverse mix of backgrounds, the LABB team have strong ethics of where they come from and where they would like to go.

Some images from the first spread below...enjoy!

Editor in Chief:
George Eko

Creative Director:
OscarAlexander Lunberg

Art Director:
Dave Piper

Features Editor:
Ozzy Shah

Watch out for the launch party at London Fashion Week. Issue one in all major outlets very soon.
Stay tuned for more...

Stay fashion-ABLE!

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