Wednesday, August 19, 2009


There is a new magazine in town so move over and take note!
CANOE Magazine, standing for
C = Creative
A = Afro-Bourgeois
N = Naissant
O = Ostentatious
E = Extraordinaire

is inspired to celebrate Africa’s evolving culture and lifestyle. It is a creative initiative by 7 entrepreneurs endeavoured to correct the image of Africa, predict growing trends and portray positively, the continent and its people.

The result is a conservative, sexy template, heralding the rebirth of Afro-cool. CANOE seeks to guide ‘Black Diamonds and Pearls’ [your Afro-bourgeois]: Principally, in luxury trends and laudable knowledge through exposure - the power with which they can augment their lives and secure an exceptional lifestyle with a sense of pride and knowledge of self.

CANOE is not hesitant to show success through extravagance as a merit of prosperity; but to create a lust, a passion for the rewarding things in life. Sail with us to see the new Africa. We offer you an exclusive Quarterly, with extraordinarily beautiful things from this wonderful chocolate continent.

Together, we spearhead a revolution in trends, fashion and technology. CANOE will inform, inspire and breed a calibre of visionaries, influencing your lifestyles in appreciation of the true worth of AFRICA, as is: Our contribution to the long awaited Afro-Renaissance.

Woohoo, this magazine is something!
It is available in print in Ghana, Nigeria and South Africa or go online to subscribe
You will not be disappointed!
Stay Fashion-ABLE!

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