Monday, February 9, 2009


Name: Folake Kuye Huntoon
Location: Beverly Hills, California
Year WeWe launched: May 5th, 2008

FS:How would you describe Nigeria in 4 words?
FKH: Energetic, Diverse, Rich, Fun

FS: Who is Folake Kuye Huntoon?
FKH: That will be moi!

FS: What does WeWe mean?
FKH: It means “the little ones” in Yoruba, my dialect.

FS: What is the concept / idea behind WeWe clothing?
FKH: Ethnic, boho, funky designs mainly for kids with limited editions for men & women

FS: Where do you get your fabrics from?
FKH: The fabrics are from all over the world, via downtown Los Angeles.

FS: Did you give up your fashion styling work?
FKH: Somewhat. Meaning that’s not solely my job/career. At one point, it was. Now, my energy and concentration is on WeWe and other projects. I do, however, still have private clients whom I style. Private client hours are not as demanding as Editorials, Commercials, Film or Music Videos.

FS: I love Africa because…?
FKH: Because I am a product of Africa, my roots, mama. Africa made me who I am today.

FS: What is your inspiration?
FKH: Everything. I am inspired by my surroundings.

FS:And your vision for WeWe clothing?
FKH: My vision for WeWe is to expose kids of the younger generation to different cultures through our designs. The aim is to make fun ethnic clothing from different parts of the world to encourage our kids to accept all backgrounds. WeWe is not a fad, it’s a culture. A culture that also involves parents (through our blog) men, women in talking about fashion, relationships, raising our kids and overall betterment.

FS: How do you combine being a mother and working as a designer?
FKH: I always say WeWe is a family project. My kids are involved and so is my Husband. If they are not at school/work, they go to the factory with me, run errands with me.

FS: What do you think about the level of creativity, talent and vision we are now seeing from Africa?
FKH: First off, I think that it’s about time that we get on the fashion map. Creativity and talent has always been in Africa. We are just now being recognized for it. It’s OK, as long as we know who we are and what we are capable of, that’s all that matters.

FS: How would you describe your own personal style?
FKH: My dear, I’m a non-conformist. A bit rebellious. I don’t follow trends. I can tell you that I shop in every department (from little boys, to mens, to ladies.) I can also tell you that my style is cheap, chic and effortless. The recession is not affecting my swagger :-)

FS: Who are your favourite designers?
FKH: I don’t have a favourite. I appreciate designers that think outside of the box - creativity and good work.

FS: If you were not into fashion, what else would you have loved to do?
FKH: I couldn’t see myself doing anything else. Tried a few times (studied law), but always came back to my love, fashion.

FS: Have you had lots of support from your family and friends?
FKH: Certainly! They are my best supporters. They are very involved.

FS: Any negativity?
FKH: Uhh, yup! Mucho! But doesn’t that mean that I have arrived, or someone wants to be me badly? No? Shoot!
On a candid note, folks need to stop taking ish seriously. Let’s kiss and make up…Mwuah!

FS: What does fashion mean to you?
FKH: Fashion is a representation of art to me. Fashion is a way for me to express myself and my thoughts. Fashion makes me feel on top of the world. Fashion rules.
And on that note, Fah-schyon agrees that Fashion certainly rules, it transcends all barriers, it creates freedom, it can cause change, you can use it to make a statement, you can throw in whatever colours, forms, shapes, styles, fabrics etc etc The most important thing is COMFORTABILITY. I dare you, yes all you peeps to go out and rock and become Fashion-ABLE!
Many many thanks Folake!
To contact WeWe clothing, please visit their website:
FS: Fah-schyon
FKH: Folake Kuye Huntoon

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