Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Name: David Nso
Age: 30
Height: 6'3''
Country of Origin: Cameroon

According to an interview he gave to Jamati online, he started modelling because back in Cameroon, his friends used to refer to him as the young "Tyson Beckford" and they used to urge him to get into modelling so he decided to himself that once he gets to the US he would pursue this field. Well, he got to the US and the rest as they say is history!

He was initially studying to become a doctor but after ample time reflecting on his options in life, he decided to put his books on hold and pursue his first love.

He has featured in television series such as The Wire, Ugly Betty, Lipstick Jungle, Damages, Kings etc and has modelled for the Nordstrom Mens Fall Collection, NYC Fall fashion week where he took part in the Gucci promotion. He has appeared in print media such as African Vibes and Jamati online.

He has an interest in advertising, runway, fashion editorial and theatre / acting.

His look is quite fierce and his bone structure is amazing. He definitely can play between the soft easy going look and the strong manly look too!
Great bod too ;-)
To find out more info, please visit his website at:
Loving him, my Cameroon brotha!

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